
Imperial Valley At A Glance

There are over 10 top performing higher education institutions within a 100 mile radius of Imperial County and 3 notable colleges and universities in the area, including San Diego State University - Imperial Valley, Imperial Valley College and CETYS University, a competitive university in Mexico with accreditation in the U.S. Nationally ranked universities such as University of California, San Diego, University of San Diego, University of California, Riverside and others are within 150 miles.

Imperial County has a population of 180,700 and a labor force of 77,400 as of 2019. The population swells to an additional 70,000 daily for business, workforce and leisure. Daily commuters and relocating residents from nearby cities in Coachella Valley, San Diego County, Mexicali Valley and Yuma County, Arizona provide ample opportunities for future growth and supply.

Industry Spotlight: Lithium Extraction

California is leading the nation in the transition to a clean energy economy. The state is at the forefront of policy, technology and investment in renewable energy and transportation electrification. There is, however, significant work ahead to build on this progress. New measures must be considered with a focus on the joint specter of climate change and post Covid-19 economic recovery. The opportunity exists today to meet these challenges by developing California’s “Lithium Valley,” located in Imperial County. Lithium Valley can serve as the anchor to a fully integrated, domestic battery supply chain, including development of critical minerals for battery materials, research and development on battery components and efficiency improvements...